Friday, October 7, 2011

Feathered Friends or Fouls

Day 7 of NaBloWriMo (National Blog Writing Month)...

What would it be like to be a bird today? The wind was out of the south at 21 mph with gusts up to 51 mph! The birds flying north do not have to work at all...they just spread their wings, soar, and enjoy the ride. Upon reaching their destination, they are energized and do not even realize that there is any other way to get from here to there. On the other hand, the birds flying south have to work extremely hard to get where they are going, and when they get there, they are extremely tired.

This is a great analogy to life! I feel like that bird flying south more often than not. I watch the birds flying past me to the north oblivious to my trials. That "work smart not hard" phrase only seems to apply to those birds already residing in the south. Guess that means the permanent snowbirds living in Florida, Texas, and Arizona have it all figured out and the rest of us are just plucked!

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