Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"WWJD" Denim Bead Bracelets

When my son was eight years old, he was given a book entitled "What Would Jesus Do?" (The Charles M. Sheldon Classic, "In His Steps" retold for children revised by Helen Haidle). I would read him a chapter every night about the adventures and predicaments of Claire and Bill at Bible School. Each chapter would end with a question and a Bible verse. Now that my daughter is nine, we've been reading from this book and posing the "What Would Jesus Do?" question at the end of each chapter. This nightly ritual was the inspiration for my latest handcrafted denim jewelry. Using alpha beads and white denim beads, these WWJD bracelets reminds us to think before we act.

1 comment:

Rebecca Lynne Houg said...

I'm so glad to hear you and Mary are reading that book together. :) Like the bracelets too! Are you making them in any other colors?